About us

betsyThe Williams family have been at Booyong 4 years now and we are still exploring the property and becoming acquainted with the Conservation area. We are constantly enchanted by Booyong, the changing seasons and the incredible flora and fauna that surround us.

We have been encouraged by friends and family to share our lovely rustic cabin with others and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting visitors to the property.

Our team at Booyong Brett who works on airplanes (not at the moment due to Covid - which makes him very happy as he can now spend more time at the farm) and is passionate about all things mechanical which is very handy and his wife Michelle (that’s me) is a counsellor and works with people with Younger Onset Dementia. We have two children Poppy and Jack who love coming to the property and are learning so much during their time at Booyong!

Booyong is also supported by the original owners Dave and Beryl who placed it under Conservation and dedicated many years restoring it to its natural state. Van, a very passionate botanist knows the property well has been generously sharing his knowledge with us and of course the local Landcare are always available to drop in and assist is in identifying weeds and native flora. In addition we continue to develop our relationships with local groups like the Botanist Bush Bashers and the local birdwatching groups. We also can’t forget Louie a resident of Comboyne who has bee hives on the property and delivers fresh honey which we share with guests seasonally!

Michelle has continued to be busy researching and identifying the 27 tree species, more than 150 native flora species, more than 35 fern species, 19 orchid species and this doesn’t include the grasses, sedges, weeds and native herbs of Booyong. Rare plant species include mature red cedars, Senna acclinis, Marsdeniia longiloba, Cynanchum elegans, and Goodenia fordiana. The list is never ending and if you’re interested do follow our website for species updates.
Known wildlife inhabitants of Booyong include 4 macropod species, 26 frog species, more than 150 varieties of bird, at least 25 reptile species, a range of insect life, bandicoots, tiger quolls (Dasyurus maculatus), koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) and various gliders. Other rare species recorded include: green-thighed frogs, great barred frogs; angle-headed dragons; glossy black cockatoos, masked, powerful and sooty owls; and yellow-bellied gliders.

We’re going to be very busy over our lifetime becoming acquainted with the flora and fauna here at Booyong!

The local people of Byabarra have welcomed us so warmly to the area and we’ve already developed some wonderful friendships close by. There are so many creative and talented people in the area and we still have many places we’d like to explore. Be sure to visit the Byabarra Cafe during your stay and let us know if you discover any interesting places you would like to recommend! We’ve found to date Ellenborough falls has been very popular with guests.

We also rent our chickens for guests from our young neighbour Ashleigh - we love having them there when we stay and our guests enjoy the fresh eggs too!

We are passionate about improving the property and have completed many projects since owning Booyong. These include planting new fruits in the orchard and creating a variety of garden beds throughout the cabin gardens in an attempt to attract the small birds from the Conservation area. Seating has been placed in the orchard and by the dam to create places for refection. We have replaced slats in the timber bridge and created a new driveway and entrance to Booyong. In addition the carport flooring has been improved and the storage loft has recently been carpeted for extra space. Electricity has been included in the garden shed and outdoor areas and a veggie poly tunnel and patch has recently been added so we and guests can enjoy fresh produce.

A Firewood storage shed has been constructed and we have also added the fire pit which is amazing in winter. There is nothing better than sitting around the fire and gazing at the stars, they are truly amazing! We can’t forget the outdoor shower which is the greatest. I have to see none of the family have used the shower inside since we’ve built this and showering by the moonlight is amazing, even in Winter! Finally, firehoses and pumps have been strategically placed throughout the property and Brett has also built a portable fire pod for a variety of uses.

We have also cleared and opened up four bushwalks for guests to enjoy, the Hill top, Rainforest, Orchid Walk and most recently a walking track from the Black Lagoon through to what we call the Meadow! Our father in law built a chicken coop and we love the farm fresh eggs.  You may also see some guinea fowl about, they are interesting and keep ticks at bay. The animals are situated near the shack so we can feed and keep an eye on them.

We have  added a rope swing, bowls set, basketball hoop and most recently a tennis net we hope you enjoy. In addition we have a hammock under the carport you are welcome to use during your stay. We hope Booyong provides you and your family with the opportunity to unwind and share meaningful moments together in nature, away from the busyness of the crazy and technology driven world we live in!

We have big dreams for Booyong and hope to one day be self-sustaining and living off the land. We are learning about permaculture principles and have plans for a food forest underway. We would also like to propagate the native flora of Booyong and support our community to enhance the native indigenous plants of the area to maintain the ecology of the environment and sustain native wildlife. It’s a massive task and there is so much to learn but we are passionate and inspired, to be honest I couldn’t imagine spending my time in any other way!

Please feel free to contact us at any time and you are welcome to follow our website and see the discoveries we are making on our Facebook or Instagram page.

Brett, Michelle,  Jack and Poppy Williams

The Booyong Team

Organisations Booyong Support

Wildlife Land Trust