A Night Walk!

Our friend Judith at Jarowair  suggested the best time to explore the conservation is the evening and we’ve wanted to do this for some time. It was a lovely clear night and not too cold on the weekend! The moon wasn’t too bright – a perfect time for a night walk and we weren’t disappointed!

Our major discovery was an eelNight Walk in the water below the bridge. It was 1m long and looked very comfortable, not moving at all when we shone the torch upon it.

I believe we were perhaps talking too much as this is the only animal we saw. We heard many others and the bush was beautiful in the starlight. The textures of the trees were enhanced and the canopy was magnificent when the light filtered through. I would definitely recommend it!

My advice would be to take two torches or better still a head torch for minimal disturbance. I found it very frustrating when I wanted to look in one direction and Brett in another and having the torch run out of batteries was also concerning – I wasn’t sure how we would find our way back and will be better prepared next time. It did add to the adventure though, I must say!Night Walk (3)Night Walk (2)


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